The Children at

There is a group of “scientists” that is particularly dear to our Museum Scientific Staff: the children!

The younger you are, the more open and curious your mind is. This is why children are a special audience, mesmerized by the vision of the Universe and eager to discover the laws that govern it. has many activities specifically developed for children: especially tailored show’s at the Planetarium, game-based exhibits, installations and workshops.

Opening time and Tickets

Today’s Planetarium shows

Children from 0 to 2 years

Tickets Free admission to the Museum, free shows in the Planetarium. Passaporto culturale (a Culture Passport). Parents of children under 1, holders of the Passaporto Culturale, have free admission to the Interactive Museum. Accessibility

  • The entire facility is accessible to wheelchair visitors.
  • The bathroom on floor -3 has baby changing facilities.

Children 3 – 5

Tickets Free admission to the Museum, full shows in the Planetarium. Accessibility

  • The entire facility is accessible to wheelchair visitors.
  • The bathroom on floor -3 has baby changing facilities.

Activities Shows in the Planetarium with science cartoons or projections of the sky specially tailored for children. Age-matched workshops. Carnival or Halloween costume making open to all children, and to adults as well!

Children 6 – 11

Tickets Reduct admission to the Museum, full shows in the Planetarium. Week end Space for Children 2 free admission to the Museum, for every family, for children up to 11 years. Accessibility The entire facility is accessible to wheelchair visitors. Activities Shows in the Planetarium with science cartoons or projections of the sky specially tailored for children. Age-matched workshops. Carnival or Halloween costume making open to all children, and to adults as well!

Teens 12 – 18

Tickets Reduct admission to the Museum, full shows in the Planetarium. Accessibility The entire facility is accessible to wheelchair visitors. Activities Robotic laboratory, Robot Space Carnival or Halloween costume making open to all children, and to adults as well!